Saturday, May 2, 2015

The balcony of the Citizens Riera number 31. Grace is the poster that points to the City Council, s

The balcony of the Citizens Riera number 31. Grace is the poster that points to the City Council, saying that soon will occupy an office at number 48 on the same street, at City Hall. Citizen-Party of the Citizenship inaugurated yesterday its new territorial Maresme usa outlet nothing less than the heart of La Riera Mataro, the nerve center of the old part of the city where in recent years only opened in CiU previous election campaign of a local very punctual. Although it could be read as a certain will cause "catalaníssim downtown" by the non-nationalist group emerged from the call of "intellectuals" Francesc de Carreras, Albert Boadella Arcadia Espada, its promoters say they have found a good price on the local street and not least tonight they thought before saying yes. Beyond that, however, it is really surprising that a party that was born to express a certain "binge" of Spanish sectors in the country so many years of domestic demand now, when presenting his program , Citizens eludes the issue of language policy. In-presentation press conference yesterday, its candidate Guillermo Fernandez, did not touch the issue until he Mataro Radio reference. So if Fernàndez -a textile usa outlet entrepreneur very politically inexperienced noted that the City Council sent letters only in Catalan and that the only official forms are in Spanish are also fines (subtext: the Spanish nationalists only serves to force, to punish, to annoy the citizens). Citizens are wrong because people throughout the thousand Mataró that voted in the regional PP -many of which are those of Josep Piqué too lax in this question- did it basically because n'estan tired of feeling like Catalan is the language used in the public life of the city -a perception debatable but not unreal, tampoc-. Instead, the people of Albert usa outlet Rivera, who was not present at the inauguration yesterday that although he expected the now hides his head under the wing and put a spoke on housing, mobility and security proposals well intentioned as demagogic (for lack of knowledge of reality). Citizens sense to the extent that the national axis has primacy in political life; when the left-right axis is what commands are totally blurred because his offer is identical to many other groups. It is logical that citizens want to get away on a tangent and ignore the language issue, though other cities do so - but if you throw out there lost his true reason for being.
John, you had a good analyst. The nationalist parties defend our language and demands as a country when regional elections. In the municipal elections are not talking about the defense of language or protest songs of our country. We talk about the house, security ... I do not think you say these logical Citizens would have to speak the language in municipal elections. That have to do with the municipal elections meant they defend bilingualism ?. I think you were wrong, the topics covered in regional and municipal elections are very different. 1 May 2007 22:58
John t'eqivoquis not saying that lightly Citizens took many votes the PP, imenys usa outlet to kill. A further been shown that those who suffered more then fled their vote to the party was socialist vote. Do not want to be reactionary, I just want to be clear. 1 May 2007 23:08
Citizens believe that the PSC takes as many votes as the PP. I do not understand usa outlet how you can say that a party that has raised municipal elections in the same way that the autonomic. No party does, and it would be crazy that citizens have as its focus the municipal campaign, language. Nor neither ERC nor CiU municipal nationalist claims are proposed to autonomic. Tell you that citizens usa outlet carry enough proposals that differentiate them, such as transparency and regeneration usa outlet policy. But perhaps the most difference, usa outlet it is that political parties have no credibility because they consistently break their promises. usa outlet Finally, you ask something d'objectivitat. This party is presented for the first time in Mataro are just listening to their proposals. I do not understand this desire you have to sink them. People do not vote in a municipal by bilingualism, I think is a smart position to prioritize other issues. 2 May 2007 10:43
hello greetings journalist who has always usa outlet liked me, on this issue of lengua, what yo quiero me is that asphalt street usa outlet etre otras cosas y como quien comprenderás me da igual if it orders the defiende ctala not. The municipal sleep m

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