Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hey guys! Thanks for coming to my blog. I started blogging again after more than half a year and i d

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▼  mall security 2015 (141) ►  May (13) ►  April (30) ▼  March (46) responder critique speech late night movie again nus biathalon 2015 another day white wig lololol foooooood~~ persuasive speech fish n chips porridge and Takayaki! mall security jap lect mask of megaminty butterfly! small puny abalones sidewalk and moms with mumz awkz noodles mall security with wan wan I want to too hahahahahaa meetinggggg niam #ootd potato bob hair lol what's with the analysis (¬_¬) new hair accessory nus open day 2015~~~ cos cos cos wallpaper random Swimming round 2 Taki...?? Lol idk the fish thing Haish Pre taiwan! Lolololol gong liao So long no see my Jiaqi - happiest day so far ^^ d... Ds! Phy exammmmmm Still mugging Study study study Piyooooo Food and ... Hair? At homeeeee Brown hair~~~ Haish....... Day 0 - preparation for battle HAHAHAH lol Idk what I'm doing lol ►  February (39) ►  January (13) ►  2014 (25) ►  December (25)
SpookyCandy I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control and at times hard to handle. If you can't handle me at my worst, mall security you don't deserve my best. View my complete profile
Hey guys! Thanks for coming to my blog. I started blogging again after more than half a year and i deleted my old blog.. *sobs* okay so here's my new blog and it's gonna be about me. Yeap. I'm a narcissist so you'll see a lot of pictures of ME. Lol. Well that's cus I've learnt that the first step to life is to love yourself before other others can love you. tbh I don't think I loved myself as much before and I'm a very insecured person. I'm a cutter. So now I want to look at the beauty of life and live life rather than to just exist. I want to not give a damn to society's view or how haters see me. Cus I'm awesome and I'm more than that. I'm the YOLO kind of girl now and I want to try anything and everything. I want to break out of my comfort zone and be more outgoing, I want to learn mma, I want to try bungee jumping down the macau tower, I want to hike again, I want to go backpacking, I want to join cheerleading, I want to be good at singing again, I want to be in a band cus I play drums. Well, my bucket list is never ending and I'm gonna fulfill them all. Well, so all in all my blog would be about my life and when ya'll see #thingsidowhenimbored, it's just more selfies than usual. Yeap i'm a girl. I take a lot of selfies. Cus I think good things should be shared with others. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA mall security nah just kidding I just want to post my face. After all it's my blog I get to do what I want bleah:P mall security sorry my posts wouldn't be long and descriptive like essays cus I love pictures so it would be like a picture book. Enjoy! \(*^O^*)/
The more girly stuff: (I can't scare away my readers right) 1. sewing 2. crocheting 3. altering clothes 4. cooking (cantonese food and jap food and tom yam and niam) 5. baking 6. painting and drawing - I'm good at art 7. balloon mall security sculpting 8. tarot 9. Making miniatures - food 10. singing 11. playing mall security drums - is this girly or not?? Well... the not so girly stuff..... 1. judo - orange belt 2. taekwondo mall security - black belt second dan 3. capoeira (its a brazilian mall security martial arts infused in dance) 4. muay thai coming soon.. 5. mma 6. brazilian jiu jitsu yeap I'm a lethal weapon sys many but PLS I CANT WIN A GUY GUYS haish. and i'm so gentle okay... HAHAHHA :p
Template mall security by Suck My Lolly - Background Image by

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