Wednesday, September 18, 2013

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I craving to play on the road with "PETA" and drink "Vapik" | Hueyda El Saied
Three weeks ago, I was traveling from Paris to Budapest, I started watching two naughty children who are sold each other's mind who had more games on the computer and what level they had reached them. The language they used was sophisticated and technical, but also had no connection with their childlike voice. To try to understand, shopping apps I said to myself: "They may feel competitive at the moment, but if it makes you see life back together, but then when you have white hair, what they will have to discuss again ".
It is in those moments I remembered that part of uncomfortable, which makes France always remain my adoptive country, and, even though it gives me the opportunity to live free with literally has something that will make me feel increasingly alien in this country. shopping apps This is not at all about my level of integration in France. This has a direct connection with the fact that, not enough to have a European or American passport to feel part of the country. There is something earlier that I did not give you this.
I have more than 11 years to make a double life, and these two can not be mine, compare and compete each other, but I need both of them. I say this because the only time when I feel far from my French friends, is when they forget where I was born and I grew up, to ask me "Hueyda, remembering the Casimir-?"
In fact, these are the only moments when I can not participate in their conversations. shopping apps They, remembering shopping apps that I was born there and being curious ask me: "Are you in Albania with what lion? Who has been "Casimir-the" citizen? What do you like to eat candy when you were a kid? "Here begins shopping apps my journey during which the clock go back. Sure they do not understand, try to minimize our games unimaginable for them. Place several shopping apps small stones, which we find everywhere in the street, now occupied some nice colored stones. Deploy his left hand and begins to tell them how we played "Guraçokthi", then tell the game "Peta", shopping apps with "pliers", "Botash", "balls burner", shopping apps "grid construction balls", "Kaladibrançe "The other lot which of my friends left spellbound. At that moment a great nostalgia includes most, but the view of my friends, gives me kuptojse they want to know more about this very special childhood I lived. shopping apps After the game, the mind goes to afternoons with "Casimir-s" Albanian Doggie Cufo and Curly, or the heroes of "Kids in my house."
"I had ice wine?", Ask them smiling. WHAT is this question? We had the best one, the most famous of Tirana, Gegen and his chariot, and I have yet to mind his high voice, which invites shopping apps us saying: "Aaaa ... filter!"
Hyeda, pastes is 15 Puff cakes I forgot? Ice cream with two colors (the white chocolate and cream flavored yougurt) of Boza? , The dates of the refrigerator to Uncle Hasan Yes Doce cans of wars in areas? How nostalgic!!! Really!!! a part of life where he owned padjallezia innocence of the age. Fair share of the puzzle that's missing to complete us completely!
he he and I have prejtuare kets that you said, because I lived some years in Switzerland shopping apps to other services shopping apps in some countries in eu .. change them with great tone is the fact that they have computer games where there is no benefit shopping apps for their formation for the fact that their games are designed by the greatest of their imagination .. and our conditions shopping apps have become more difficult since the luajem shopping apps with tons of imagination pavrsishte difficult conditions but it has many positive side formation tone and look sote clear that their changes with us ....
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